Social Center™

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Social Center™ related to my social media?

The Social Center™ is our backend communication and resource management system. It has nothing to do with your social media and is designed to serve as an internal reddit-style platform and storage for uploading and sharing resources with your team.

Who can create Forum posts?

A Forum post can be created, upvoted, and commented on by any member of your team. By integrating a reddit-style comments mechanism, this system aims to improve communication among members of your brokerage or team. By producing a new Forum post or interacting with posts produced by other agents, any agents affiliated with a website can contribute.

Will I have access to all of the features if I am the only agent on my website?

The Social Center™ offers several features including backend communication and resource storage and sharing.  Because the announcement and forum tabs are intended to be used by numerous agents who are logged into the same website, you will not see them if you are the only member of the website you are logged into. If you're part of a larger team or brokerage, you can access and use those capabilities by logging into the main website.

Does anyone moderate the content that gets added?

While any website agent can contribute to the Social CenterTM by generating new content, leaving comments, and uploading resources, only the website administrator has the authority to moderate and remove content if it is thought necessary. Permissions can be set to allow only the administrator to generate new Forum posts and Resources, but this is usually open to all agents with the admin having final moderation privileges.

Can I upload links and images as resources to share with my team?

Yes, you may submit images and documents to the Resources tab, and you can also add links to the Link Hub tab, such as training videos and valuable websites. You can choose to keep these resources private so that only you can see them, or you can make them visible to all agents so that any of the website's agents can see them and comment on them.

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