
Frequently Asked Questions

Can I import my existing leads?

CloseHack will import all of your existing clients into your new CRM for you. Additionally, we offer an import wizard that enables you to accomplish this on your own.

Can I automatically route Facebook/Zillow/Google/other leads into my CRM?

We can import leads into your system automatically if the lead source provides an API. If you are unsure about the API status of your lead source, please contact us and we will assist you in obtaining that information. The majority of advertising networks, including Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn, as well as all major real estate technology platforms, provide APIs.

How are incoming leads assigned to agents?

Our FlexCRM™ features an extremely sophisticated lead routing system. This technology provides near-limitless flexibility in terms of how leads are processed. We offer round-robin, a lead grab pool, a white / black list, location priority, weight averages, and min/max limits, among other features.

Do you provide blast email services?

Although you will be able to send bulk emails to your current clients, this product is not meant for mass emailing to users who are not prepared to receive emails from you.  We advocate sending bulk emails solely to clients who have indicated an interest in receiving periodic updates from you. It is your duty to comply with the CAN-SPAM Act when using our product. If you're planning to send mass emails to subscribers on lists you've purchased or to people who haven't consented to receive emails, we recommend utilizing a service like MailChimp or SendGrid in conjunction with CloseHack.

Can I make calls through the CRM?

At the moment, CloseHack does not feature a dialer integrated within the CRM. All client calls must be personally tracked and manually inputed into the CRM.

What texting features are available?

Although texting the customer directly is not a possibility, our CRM's drip email system and mass messaging capabilities enable you to send text messages via our CRM. When a client replies to a text message, you will receive a notification with the opportunity to respond.

How does the automated drip email system work?

Drip marketing is a communication strategy that sends, or "drips," a pre-written set of messages to customers or prospects over time. These messages often take the form of email marketing, although we also have to ability to drip text messages as well. You can start and stop drip campaigns for each of your customers based on their unique characteristics, such as whether they are buying or selling. Additionally, we offer new features that enable you to automatically apply drip campaigns based on a user's behavior.

How is client data tracked in the CRM?

CloseHack utilizes HTTP cookies to provide a more personalized and convenient online experience for your clients. CloseHack uses cookies to recognize its visitors and to keep track of the pages they visit. This data is then used to present you with a bird's-eye view of your visitors intentions.   We can track all IDX searches, saved properties, desired buying locations, price preferences, and more.

Do you have an API that allows me to send data to other applications?

CloseHack provides a custom Zapier API key which allows you to integrate with over 3,000+ application. For a complete list of available applications, please visit https://zapier.com/apps

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